The story line of this animation was really good. I like how this took a settle dark twist to the story.
The story line of this animation was really good. I like how this took a settle dark twist to the story.
As a ham, I find this cartoon parody rather terrifying. :(
Anyway brilliant work on the animation and clean art werk. :)
This was pretty funny and with a rather unexpected ending.
Good werk team. :)
This is beautiful. ( TT ___ TT )
Great animation with a curious story line. I feel there's a moral to this story....hmmm..
ooh yeah! It is to never eat microwaved toast in bed.
It's crazy and I love it. :D
This has really clean artwork and smooth animation.
haha! What a twist!
Haha, oh yeah! I'm glad that we were able to deliver a shocking twist there at the end. Hopefully you and I haven't spoiled anything through this review! Haha! Thanks for the review buddy, I appreciate it and I'm sure the other guys do too :)
Great collaborative animation here folks. :)
I personally like to ask for freshly roasted beans and take them to my table as I munch on them while reading the latest Hi Sugarsubsitute magazine. Unfortunately they cost the equivalent amount as a grandeh coffee when I order the tall amount. However this is just a made up story, because I'm an evil writer that desires to waste the precious seconds of life from our readers. :)
Joined on 2/20/14